Publications sorted by research area
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Borane- and Alane-Containing Late Transition Metal Complexes
35) B. E. Cowie and D. J. H. Emslie* Platinum Complexes of a Borane-Appended Analogue of 1,1'-Bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene: Flexible Borane Coordination Modes and In-Situ Vinylborane Formation, * Selected as a Very Important Paper (VIP). * Awarded the front cover for the issue. See issue 51 in the cover gallery at: DOI or MacLibaccessDOI * The group was featured in an author profile: DOI or MacLibaccessDOI * This paper was featured in a recent Angewandte Highlight by Didier Bourissou et al.: DOI or MacLibaccessDOI |
33) B. E. Cowie and D. J. H. Emslie,* Bridging Rh–Fe Borataaminocarbyne Complexes Formed by Intramolecular Isonitrile–Borane Coordination,
Organometallics,2013, 32, 7297-7305. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File
27) D. J. H. Emslie,* B. E. Cowie, S. R. Oakley, N. L. Huk, H. A. Jenkins,† L. E. Harrington,† J. F. Britten,† A Study of M–X–BR3 (M = Pt, Pd or Rh; X = Cl or I) Interactions in Square Planar Ambiphilic Ligand Complexes: Structural, Spectroscopic, Electrochemical and Computational Comparisons with Borane-Free Analogues, Dalton Trans. 2012, 41 (12), 3523-3535. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File
26) D. J. H. Emslie,* B. E. Cowie, K. B. Kolpin, Acyclic Boron-Containing p-Ligand Complexes: h2- and h3-Coordination Modes, Dalton Trans. 2012, 41 (4), 1101-1117. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI (Invited Perspective) // Pre-Publication File * Invited Review. Awarded the front cover for this issue of Dalton Trans. |
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21) K. B. Kolpin, D. J. H. Emslie,* h3-Vinylborane Complexes of Platinum and Nickel: Borataallyl- and Alkyl/Borataalkene-Like Coordination Modes,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 2716-2719. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File
20) B. E. Cowie, D. J. H. Emslie,* H. A. Jenkins,† J. F. Britten,† Diversity of Metal-Ligand Interactions in Halide (X = I, Br, Cl, F) and Halide-Free Ambiphilic LIgand Rhodium Complexes, Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 4060-4072. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File
18) D. J. H. Emslie,* L. E. Harrington,† H. A. Jenkins,† C. M. Robertson,† J. F. Britten,† Group 10 Transition Metal Complexes of an Ambiphilic PSB-Ligand: Investigations into h3(BCC)-Triarylborane Coordination, Organometallics 2008, 27, 5317-5325. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File
15) S. R. Oakley, K. D. Parker, D. J. H. Emslie,* I. Vargas-Baca, C. M. Robertson,† L. E. Harrington,† J. F. Britten,† Synthesis of a Heterobimetallic Rhodium-Iron Complex Containing an h3-Interaction Between Rhodium and the B-Cipso-Cortho Unit of a Triarylborane, Organometallics, 2006, 25, 5035-5038. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI
14) D. J. H. Emslie,* J. M. Blackwell, J. F. Britten,† L. E. Harrington,† A Zwitterionic Palladium(II) h3-Boratoxypentadienyl Complex: Cooperative Activation of Dibenzylideneacetone between Palladium and a Phosphine/Thioether/Borane Ligand, Organometallics, 2006, 25, 2412-2414. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI
† McMaster Analytical X-Ray Diffraction Facility
Electropositive Metal Chemistry (Th, U, Y, Lu, La, Zr, Mg and K), primarily focused on Rigid Non-Carbocyclic Ligand Complexes61) D. J. H. Emslie, N. R. Andreychuk, C. A. Cruz, Chapter 7: Organoactinide Chemistry, in The Lanthanides and Actinides: Synthesis, Reactivity, Properties and Applications, Eds. S. T. Liddle, D. P. Mills, L. S. Natrajan, World Scientific Publishing, 2022; pp 311-440. DOI. PDF (password protected).
53) A. Vasanthakumar, David J. H. Emslie,* J. F. Britten, Alkyl Yttrium Complexes of Doubly Cyclometallated Xanthene- and Naphthalene-Backbone Bis(phosphinimine) Ligands, J. Organomet. Chem., 2019, accepted. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Supporting Information PDF. 51) D. J. H. Emslie,* Actinides: Amido Complexes, Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, 'The Heaviest Metals: Science and Technology of the Actinides and Beyond’, 2018. DOI. (PDF: password protected) 49) N. R. Andreychuk, T. Dickie, D. J. H. Emslie,* H.A. Jenkins, Thorium(IV) Alkyl and Allyl Complexes of a Rigid NON-Donor Pincer Ligand with Flanking 1-Adamantyl Substituents, Dalton Transactions, 2018, 47, 4866-4876. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI. // Supporting Information. 46) N. R. Andreychuk, D. J. H. Emslie,* H. A. Jenkins,† and J. F. Britten,† Cyclometallation Following Coordination of Anionic and Neutral Lewis Bases to a Uranium(IV) Dialkyl Complex, J. Organomet. Chem., 2018, 857, 16-24. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI. // Supporting Information // Pre-Publication File * Invited paper for a special issue on "Organometallic Lanthanide and Actinide Complexes" dedicated to Prof. William J. Evans on the occasion of his 70th birthday. 45) K. S. A. Motolko, J. S. Price, D. J. H. Emslie,* H. A. Jenkins,† and J. F. Britten,† Zirconium Complexes of a Rigid, Dianionic Pincer Ligand: Alkyl Cations, Arene Coordination, and Ethylene Polymerization, Organometallics, 2017, 36, 3084-3093. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI. // Supporting Information // Pre-Publication File 44) K. S. A. Motolko, D. J. H. Emslie,* H. A. Jenkins,† J. F. Britten,† Potassium and Yttrium Complexes of a Rigid Bis‑Phosphido POP-Donor Ligand,
41) K. S. A. Motolko, D. J. H. Emslie,* H. A. Jenkins,† Yttrium and Aluminum Alkyl Complexes of a Rigid Bis-Anilido NON-Donor Ligand: Synthesis and Hydroamination Catalysis, Organometallics, 2017, 36, 1601-1608. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File 38) E. W. Y. Wong and D. J. H. Emslie* Cyclometalation and Coupling of a Rigid 4,5-Bis(imino)acridanide Pincer Ligand on Yttrium, 31) N. R. Andreychuk, S. Ilango, B. Vidjayacoumar, D. J. H. Emslie,* H. A. Jenkins,† Uranium(IV) Alkyl Complexes of a Rigid Dianionic NON-Donor Ligand: Synthesis and Quantitative Alkyl Exchange Reactions with Alkyllithium Reagents, Organometallics, 2013, 32, 1466−1474. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File * Invited paper for a special issue entitled “Recent Advances in Organo-f-Element Chemistry”. 30) N. R. Andreychuk, D. J. H. Emslie,* Potassium–Alkane Interactions within a Rigid Hydrophobic Pocket, 28) B. Vidjayacoumar, S. Ilango, M. J. Ray, T. Chu, K. B. Kolpin, N. R. Andreychuk, C. A. Cruz, D. J. H. Emslie,* H. A. Jenkins,† J. F. Britten,† * Invited paper for a special issue entitled “New Talent: the Americas”. * This article was selected as a Dalton Transactions Hot Article and was featured on the Dalton Transactions Blog. 25) C. A. Cruz, T. Chu, D. J. H. Emslie,* H. A. Jenkins,† L. E. Harrington,† J. F. Britten,† Divergent reactivity of [(k3-L)ThCl2(dme)] with Grignard reagents: alkylation, ancillary ligand transfer to magnesium, and halide-exchange caught in the act, J. Organomet. Chem. 2010, 695, 2798-2803. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File * Invited paper for a special issue on Organo-f Element Chemistry in memory of Prof. Herbert Schumann. 22) C. A. Cruz, D. J. H. Emslie,* H. A. Jenkins,† J. F. Britten,† A thermally robust di-n-butyl thorium complex with an unstable dimethyl analogue, * Invited paper for a themed issue: New horizons in organo-f-block chemistry. 19) C. A. Cruz, D. J. H. Emslie,* C. M. Robertson,† L. E. Harrington,† H. A. Jenkins,† J. F. Britten,† Cationic Thorium Alkyl Complexes of Rigid NON- and NNN-Donor Ligands: p-Arene Coordination as a Persistent Structural Motif, Organometallics, 2009, 28, 1891-1899. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File 17) C. A. Cruz, D. J. H. Emslie,* L. E. Harrington,† J. F. Britten,† Single and Double Alkyl Abstraction from a Bis(anilido)xanthene Thorium(IV) Dibenzyl Complex: Isolation of an Organothorium Cation and a Thorium Dication, Organometallics, 2008, 27, 15-17. 16) C. A. Cruz, D. J. H. Emslie,* L. E. Harrington,† J. F. Britten,† C. M. Robertson,† Extremely Stable Thorium(IV) Dialkyl Complexes Supported by Rigid Tridentate 4,5-Bis(anilido)xanthene and 2,6-Bis(anilidomethyl)pyridine Ligands, Organometallics, 2007, 26, 692-701. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File |
Development of New Organometallic Precursors and Reactivity for Metal Film Deposition [Solution Deposition, Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) and Pulsed-CVD]
62) M. Al Hareri, D. J. H. Emslie,* Room-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition of Elemental Antimony, Chem. Mater., 2022, asap. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Supporting Information PDF. 40) J. S. Price, P. Chadha, D. J. H. Emslie,* Base-Free and Bisphosphine Ligand Dialkylmanganese(II) Complexes as Precursors for Manganese Metal Deposition,Organometallics, 2016, 35, 168-180. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File 34) P. Chadha, D. J. H. Emslie,* H. A. Jenkins, Manganese(II) Alkyl / p-Allyl Complexes Resistant to Ligand Redistribution, 32) D. J. H. Emslie,* P. Chadha and J. S. Price, Metal ALD and pulsed-CVD: Fundamental reactions and links with solution chemistry, * Invited Review for a Special Issue entitled "Chemical Vapor Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition: Precursor Design and Application" 29) B. Vidjayacoumar, V. Ramalingam, D. J. H. Emslie,* J. M. Blackwell,§ and S. B. Clendenning,§ Solution Reactivity Studies for Identification of Promising New ALD and Pulsed‑CVD Reaction Chemistries, ECS Trans., 2013, 50 (13), 53-66. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File 24) B. Vidjayacoumar, D. J. H. Emslie,* J. M. Blackwell,*,§ S. B. Clendenning§ and J. F. Britten,† Solution Reactions of a Bis(pyrrolylaldiminate)copper(II) Complex with Peralkyl Zinc, Aluminum, and Boron Reagents: Investigation of the Pathways Responsible for Copper Metal Deposition, Chem. Mater., 2010, 22, 4854-4866. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File 23) B. Vidjayacoumar, D. J. H. Emslie,* S. B. Clendenning,*,§ J. M. Blackwell,§ J. F. Britten and A. Rheingold, Investigation of AlMe3, BEt3, and ZnEt2 as Co-Reagents for Low-Temperature Copper Metal ALD/Pulsed-CVD, Chem. Mater., 2010, 22, 4844-4853. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Pre-Publication File Organomanganese Chemistry, Silylene and Silene Chemistry59) J. S. Price, D. J. H. Emslie, Cyclic and Non-Cyclic Pi Complexes of Manganese, Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry IV, Eds. G. Parkin, K. Meyer, D. O'Hare, Elsevier, 2021, 169 pages,
52) J. S. Price, David J. H. Emslie,* B. Berno, Manganese Silyl Dihydride Complexes: A Spectroscopic, Crystallographic and Computational Study of Nonclassical Silicate and Hydrosilane Hydride Isomers, Organometallics, 2019, 38, 2347-2362. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI // Supporting Information PDF. 50) J. S. Price, D. J. H. Emslie,* I. Vargas-Baca, J. F. Britten, [(dmpe)2MnH(C2H4)] as a Source of a Low-Coordinate Ethyl Manganese(I) Species: Reactions with Primary Silanes, H2, and Isonitriles, Organometallics, 2018, 37, 3010-3027. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI. // Supporting Information.
§ Intel Corporation |
PDF Research - 2,2'-Diborabiphenyl; A Lewis Acid Analogue of 2,2'-Bipyridine13) C. A. Jaska, D. J. H. Emslie, M. J. D. Bosdet, W. E. Piers,* T. S. Sorensen, M. Parvez, Triphenylene Analogues with B2N2C2 Cores: Synthesis, 12) D. J. H. Emslie, W. E. Piers,* M. Parvez, 2,2'-Diborabiphenyl; A Lewis Acid Analogue of 2,2'-Bipyridine, |
PDF Research - Non-Cyclopentadienyl Organoscandium and Yttrium Chemistry11) D. J. H. Emslie, W. E. Piers,* M. Parvez, Synthesis and thermal reactivity of organoscandium and yttrium complexes of sterically less bulky salicylaldiminato ligands, Dalton Trans., 2003, 2615-2620. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI 10) P. G. Hayes, G. C. Welch, D. J. H. Emslie, C. L. Noack, W. E. Piers,* M. Parvez, A New Chelating Anilido-Imine Donor Related to b-Diketiminato Ligands for Stabilization of Organoyttrium Cations, Organometallics, 2003, 22, 1577-1579. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI 9) W. E. Piers, D. J. H. Emslie, Non-cyclopentadienyl ancillaries in organogroup 3 metal chemistry: a fine balance in ligand design, 8) D. J. H. Emslie, W. E. Piers,* R. MacDonald, Organo-scandium and yttrium complexes supported by a salicylaldiminato ligand, J. Chem. Soc., 7) D. J. H. Emslie, W. E. Piers,* M. Parvez, R. MacDonald, Organometallic complexes of scandium and yttrium supported by a bulky salicylaldimine ligand, Organometallics, 2002, 21, 4226-4240. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI |
PhD Research - Rhodium HE(pz)3 (E = B or C) Complexes: Redox Chemistry and ReactivityNote: Authors are in alphabetical order 6) C. J. Adams, N. G. Connelly,* D. J. H. Emslie, O. D. Hayward, T. Manson, A. G. Orpen, P. H. Rieger,* The substitution chemistry of the 5) W. E. Geiger,* N. C. Ohrenberg, B. Yeomans, N. G. Connelly,* D. J. H. Emslie, Reversible Sequence of Intramolecular Associative and Dissociative 4) N. G. Connelly,* D. J. H. Emslie, P. Klangsinsirikul, P. H. Rieger,* Analysis of EPR Spectra with Very Large Quadrupole Couplings, 3) N. G. Connelly,* D. J. H. Emslie, O. D. Hayward, A. G. Orpen, M. J. Quayle, Redox-active catecholate complexes of rhodium hydrotris(pyrazoly)borates, 2) N. G. Connelly,* D. J. H. Emslie, W. E. Geiger,* O. D. Hayward, E. B. Linehan, A. G. Orpen, M. J. Quayle, P. H. Rieger,* 1) N. G. Connelly,* D. J. H. Emslie, B. Metz, A.G. Orpen, M. J. Quayle, Redox-induced k2-k3 isomerisation in rhodium hydrotris(3,5-dimethylpyrazoly)borate chemistry: the stabilisation of square pyramidal rhodium(II), Chem. Commun., 1996, 2289-2290. DOI or MacLibaccessDOI |